Sunday, November 16, 2008

Yesterday Alex and I put up the Christmas tree and decorations. I normally don't do it until Thanksgiving Day or there after. But with my surgery looming in the distance and going to see Matt this week, along with getting my work computer moved to here at home (I do work on my laptop two days a week but not all week long. Don't want to tire the poor thing out) and family coming, house cleaning , etc., Christmas decorations needed to be done now...whew, long sentence! Anyway we played Christmas music and really got in the spirit of it all. And a cool thing too is that is was very chilly outside so it even felt like Christmas. Too bad there wasn't snow.

Today is the Primary program. It will be interesting to see how it goes. I sure hope I don't blow it for the kids...heck...they won't even's just me who gets all embarrassed hitting wrong notes. I've never had to actually play in sacrament meeting before so this will be a first. I'll let you know how they did (as well as

1 comment:

Aubrey Garff said...

You'll do great in the primary program. It's like we told Claire this morning (she's giving her first talk in primary) it's okay to make mistakes, that's how we learn! Way to go on the Christmas tree! We are putting ours up early too, without snow we need some way to remember that it's Christmas time!