Saturday, January 24, 2009

Happy Birthday Alex!

My sweet Alex you are 17 today. Where did the time go?! Wasn't it yesterday that I was telling you and Matt a bedtime story about Tookie Rabbit and Pokie Turtle?! You loved our made up stories. And wasn't it yesterday that you rushed through the front door after going to Miss Cindy's Preschool to show me your artwork?! And wasn't it just Yesterday that you got your first real 'big boy' haircut?! Now you're 17 and driving, and a track star, working, and showing me how to do things like setting up electronic equipment because I just don't get it. I proud of you Alex. You've grown into a fine young adult. You make me laugh, cry, smile...and most of all...I Love You.


Inspiration CAN be found EVERYWHERE said...

Happy Birthday Alex.

I know (because mom brags all the time) that you are turning into a wonderful young man. Mom is oh so proud of you.

Today is YOUR day. Enjoy it.

Queenie Jeannie said...

Happy Birthday Alex!

They do grow up so very fast...

Aubrey Garff said...

happy birthday cousin! Hope you remember me! aubs

Queenie Jeannie said...

Lynnette - Email me please! =)