Friday, January 23, 2009

The Beginning of Change

As the title of this entry states, the beginning of change has begun. I have struggled with this decision for a very long time. In fact, for many years. I've now realized that I have done all that I can. I won't be looking at any 'what if's'. I've prayed for guidance and feel what I'm doing is the right thing. Not just for me but for my family. I told Steve yesterday that I am filing for divorce. I do not hate Steve. I care a whole lot about him. We just are not on the same page anymore marriage-wise. I ask that you send prayers our way...not just for me, but for Steve, Matt, and Alex.


Debie Napoleon said...

Having done this once I can empathize with you at this time. Be trus to yourself and good things will surely follow.

Thanks for stopping by.

Inspiration CAN be found EVERYWHERE said...

Prayers are going out for all of you Lynnette. I know that you have been suffering with this decision for awhile now, and feel that this is the best for everyone.

Hopefully the healing will now begin for all of you. Staying friends is always a good thing for everyone's peace of mind.

Hugs hon, and big shoulders.

Unknown said...

Things always workout somehow! Dont worry you will get through it and it will all be a memorie before you know it.
Where did you get the cool dog tag? I haven't read your blog in a while and I have to go out but I will be back on today. I love what you have posted here about your son. I cant wait to get to that stage. We are just really nervous about the gas chamber thing and some of the other videos you see on line.

Aubrey Garff said...

oh Lynette call me if you need anything. I know I am far away but I can always lend and ear. I love you!

Queenie Jeannie said...

Oh wow. I'm stunned.

I'm very sorry you have been hurting and feeling this way for a long time. These things are so hard on everyone. But you can't force a round peg in a square hole, so if it doesn't work then forcing it to makes everyone miserable.

Here's to your new future, on a different path!!